
pyrimidal cells lined up  in a banner

Visual Cortex

The brain simulates actions and their consequences during REM sleep. [pdf]
Senzai Y ,Scanziani M.
BioRxiv (2024)

Inter and Intrahemispheric sources of Vestibular signals of V1. [pdf]
Bouvier  G, Sanzeni A, Hamada E,Brunel N ,Scanziani M.
BioRxiv (2024)

A genetically defined tecto-thalamic pathway drives a system of superior-colliculus-dependent visual cortices. [pdf]
Brenner J, Beltramo R, Gerfen C, Ruediger S,Scanziani M.
Neuron (2023)

Brain state-dependent modulation of thalamic visual processing by cortico-thalamic feedback. [pdf]
Reinhold K, Resulaj A, Scanziani M.
The Journal of Neuroscience (2023)

Distinguishing externally from saccade-induced motion in visual cortex. [pdf]
Miura SK, Scanziani M.
Nature (2022)

A cognitive process occurring during sleep is revealed by rapid eye movements. [pdf]
Senzai Y, Scanziani M.
Science Aug 26; 377(6609):999-1004. (2022)

A Disinhibitory Circuit for Contextual Modulation in Primary Visual Cortex. [pdf]
Keller AJ, Dipoppa M, Roth MM, Caudill MS, Ingrosso A, Miller KD, Scanziani M.
Neuron 108(6): 1181-1193 (2020)

Learning speed and detection sensitivity controlled by distinct cortico-fugal neurons in visual cortex. [pdf]
Ruediger S, Scanziani M.
eLife 2020; 9:e59247 (2020)

Head Movements Control the Activity of Primary Visual Cortex in a Luminance-Dependent Manner. [pdf]
Bouvier G, Senzai Y, Scanziani M.
Neuron 108(3)500-511 (2020)

Feedback generates a second receptive field in neurons of the visual cortex. [pdf]
Keller AJ, Roth MM, Scanziani M.
Nature 582(7813): 545-549 (2020) 

A collicular visual cortex: Neocortical space for an ancient midbrain visual structure. [pdf]
Beltramo R, Scanziani M.
Science 363(6422): 64-69 (2019) 

Cortical direction selectivity emerges at convergence of thalamic synapses. [pdf]
Lien AD, Scanziani M.
Nature 558(7708): 80-86 (2018)

First spikes in visual cortex enable perceptual discrimination.[pdf]
Resulaj A, Ruediger S, Olsen SR, Scanziani M.
eLife 7: e34044 (2018) 

Cortico-fugal output from visual cortex promotes plasticity of innate motor behaviour. [pdf]
Liu BH, Huberman AD, Scanziani M.
Nature 538(7625): 383-387 (2016) 

Distinct recurrent versus afferent dynamics in cortical visual processing. [pdf]
Reinhold K, Lien AD, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 18(12): 1789-97 (2015)

Equalizing excitation-inhibition ratios across visual cortical neurons. [pdf]
Xue M, Atallah BV, Scanziani M.
Nature 511(7511): 596-600 (2014)

Translaminar Inhibitory Cells Recruited by Layer 6 Corticothalamic Neurons Suppress Visual Cortex. [pdf]
Bortone DS, Olsen SR, Scanziani M.
Neuron 82(2): 474-485 (2014) [YouTube]

Tuned thalamic excitation is amplified by visual cortical circuits. [pdf]
Lien AD, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 16(9): 1315-23 (2013) 

Inhibition of inhibition in visual cortex: the logic of connections between molecularly distinct interneurons. [pdf]
Pfeffer CK, Xue M, He M, Huang ZJ, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 16(8): 1068-76 (2013) 

A neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex. [pdf]
Adesnik H, Bruns W, Taniguchi H, Huang ZJ, Scanziani M.
Nature 490: 226-231 (2012) 

Gain control by layer six in cortical circuits of vision. [pdf]
Olsen SR, Bortone D, Adesnik H, Scanziani M.
Nature 483: 47-52 (2012)

Parvalbumin expressing interneurons linearly transform cortical responses to visual stimuli. [pdf]
Atallah  BV, Bruns W, Carandini M, Scanziani M.
Neuron 73(1): 159 – 170 (2012) 

In vivo labeling of constellations of functionally identified neurons for targeted in vitro recordings. [pdf]
Lien AD, Scanziani M.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 5: Article 16; 1-7(2011)

Somatosensory Cortex

Multiple clusters of release sites formed by individual thalamic afferents onto cortical interneurons ensure reliable transmission. [pdf]
Bagnall MW, Hull C, Bushong EA, Ellisman MH, Scanziani M.
Neuron 71: 180-194 (2011)

Lateral competition for cortical space through layer specific horizontal circuits. [pdf]
Adesnik H, Scanziani, M.
Nature 464: 1155-1160 (2010)

Input normalization by global feed-forward inhibition expands cortical dynamic range. [pdf]
Pouille F, Marin-Burgin A, Adesnik H, Atallah BV, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci  12: 1577-1585 (2009)

Neocortical Disynaptic inhibition requires somatodendritic integration in interneurons. [pdf]
Hull C, Adesnik H, Scanziani M.
J Neurosci 29: 8991-8995 (2009)

Postsynaptic mechanisms govern the differential excitation of cortical neurons by thalamic Inputs. [pdf]
Hull C, Isaacson JS, Scanziani M.
J Neurosci 29: 9127-9136 (2009) 

Supralinear Increase of Recurrent Inhibition during Sparse Activity in the Somatosensory Cortex. [pdf]
Kapfer C, Glickfeld LL, Atallah BV, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 10: 743 – 753 (2007)

Somatosensory integration controlled by dynamic thalamocortical feed-forward inhibition. [pdf]
Gabernet L, Jadhav SP, Feldman DE, Carandini M, Scanziani M.
Neuron 48: 315-327 (2005) 


Linking neuronal ensembles by associative synaptic plasticity. [pdf]
Yuan Q, Isaacson JS, Scanziani M.
PLoS One 6: e20486 (2011) 

Pyramidal cells in piriform cortex receive convergent input from distinct olfactory bulb glomeruli. [pdf]
Apicella A, Yuan Q, Scanziani M, Isaacson JS.
J Neurosci  30: 14255–14260 (2010) 

Instantaneous modulation of gamma oscillation frequency by balancing excitation with inhibition. [pdf]
Atallah BV, Scanziani M.
Neuron  62: 566-577 (2009) 

Interneurons hyperpolarize pyramidal cells along their entire somatodendritic axis. [pdf]
Glickfeld LL, Roberts JD, Somogyi P, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 12: 21-23 (2009) 

Complementary modulation of somatic inhibition by opioids and cannabinoids. [pdf]
Glickfeld LL, Atallah BV, Scanziani M.
J Neurosci 28: 1824-32 (2008) 

Distinct timing in the activity of cannabinoid-sensitive and -insensitive basket cells. [pdf]
Glickfeld LL, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 9: 807-815. (2006) 

Routing of spike series by dynamic circuits in the hippocampus. [pdf]
Pouille F, Scanziani M. 
Nature 429: 717-23 (2004) 

Cooperation between independent hippocampal synapses is controlled by glutamate uptake. [pdf]
Arnth-Jensen N, Jabaudon D, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 5: 325-31 (2002) 

Enforcement of temporal fidelity in pyramidal cells by somatic feed-forward inhibition. [pdf]
Pouille F, Scanziani M. 
Science 293: 1159-1163 (2001) 

GABA Spillover activates postsynaptic GABAB receptors to control rhythmic hippocampal activity. [pdf]
Scanziani M.
Neuron 25: 673-681 (2000) 

Reviews and Commentaries

How Cortical Circuits Implement Cortical Computations: Mouse Visual Cortex as a Mode. [pdf]
Niell CM, Scanziani M.
Annual review of Neuroscience

How inhibition shapes cortical activity. [pdf]
Isaacson JS, Scanziani M.
Neuron 72: 231-243 (2011) 

Electrophysiology in the age of light. [pdf]
Hausser M, Scanziani M.
Nature 461: 930-939 (2009) 

It’s about time for thalamocortical circuits. [pdf]
Hull C, Scanziani M.
Nature Neurosci 10: 400-402 (2007) 

Self-administering cannabinoids. [pdf]
Glickfeld LL, Scanziani M. 
Trends Neurosci 28: 341-343 (2005) 

Precritical period for plasticity in visual cortex. [pdf]
Feller MB, Scanziani M.
Curr Op Neurobiol 15: 1-7 (2005) 

Competing on the edge. [pdf]
Scanziani M.
Trends Neurosci 25: 282-3 (2002)